Increase your Exclusive Content revenue 3x, without selling your soul.

Stop undervaluing your content, and let Bored Bits grow your brand while maintaining your worth.

Why was Bored Bits created?


Bored Bits was created after discovering a few major problems that most models face…

  • You are spending most days a week on creating and developing content, not only for your Exclusive Content platform, but for your other socials too.
  • You are spending as much time with friends and family as you can.
  • You are trying to think of new ways to grow your following but are already overloaded with your other responsibilities.
  • You are spending 1-2 hours a day trying to chat with your subscribers actively, and doing good with it. 

Bored Bits was created for 2 reasons: To save you time and energy and to generate you more money every month. We have a veteran team of chatters with years of experience. They know how to generate more daily sales, all while NOT RUINING YOUR REPUTATION.

There are so many models that are forced to sell extreme content for $5, but Bored Bits focuses on a “Relationship First” approach, giving us the advantage of treating your spenders with the attention and appreciation they deserve. 

In addition, we focus on driving new growth to your page and utilize several different marketing and growth strategies to do this on your behalf.


All you have to do is send us content, tell us about yourself, and be available for any questions that arise while our team handles the rest.


What Makes an INVITE ONLY agency like Bored Bits Different Than All the Other Agencies That DM Me?

That’s a great question! Unlike those agencies, the Bored Bits team has decades of combined experience in a market that is barely decades old. Here are just a few things that make the Bored Bits team your ideal partners for scaling your Exclusive Content platform 3x+:

Proven Playbook

With 15+ years of combined experience in influencer management, we have a proven content strategy playbook to guide your Exclusive Content platform success.

Trained Chatters

Our “Relationship First’ approach focuses on maintaining your brand in a premier light while allowing us to drive revenue for your page.

Plugged In

Have other aspirations besides Exclusive Content? Our team has the experience and connections to help you pursue your true passion.

Instagram Shield

Our team will come to your defense to help you combat the ongoing threat of having your page taken down, and can even help bring your page back up if it does get taken down.

Content Development

Running low on content ideas? Our team is here to work with you actively on new content creation ideas that need to be made.

24/7 Support

Our Founding team is located across the world, which allows you to ask us questions at any time and typically receive our help within a few hours.

Access to Our Founders

Be connected and managed directly by our founding team, offering you quick access to them vs. being passed off to a customer success manager.

Cutting Edge Growth Strategies

With a track record that ranges from growing 5m+ follower theme pages, to running 7-figure e-commerce empires, Bored Bits has an unfair advantage in scaling your page.

Brand Deals

Our executive team has the network to help you find brand partnerships, based on the type of companies you want to work with.

What Can Bored Bits Do For Me?

We lead with transparency. After we hop on a quick call, and see if we are even a good fit to partner together, here are some of the things we are going to focus on:

Partnership Request

Bored Bits is an INVITE ONLY agency, however if you'd like to reach out and express interest you can message us below.

Frequently Asked Questions

As a creator, you should be focusing on creating engaging content. Having an agency like Bored Bits alleviates the worry of having to constantly chat with your subscribers 10 hours a day. We spend 8+ hours a day inside your account and engaging with your fans, as well as focusing on growing your OnlyFans account as well.

Once we have an agreement in place, we’ll get to work immediately. Our onboarding process takes 1-2 days to complete. Once our team has that information, the real work begins! You will typically be able to see an immediate boost in revenue by day 3.

Our #1 focus is on relationship building. If you are a creator who wants to increase the amount of money you make each month on Exclusive Content platform without having to sacrifice the worth of your content, then we are the perfect fit to work together.

Bored Bits has no set percentage that we request, as each creator requires a different level of service. We will assess where your account is at, deep dive into the amount of help and services we will need to provide, and offer you a deal based on what both of us find is fair! 🙂

We currently work with many creators and have had great success. Due to privacy, we will not name them, but for reference, we were able to grow Influencer 1 from $3,431.07 to $15,269.86 in our first month of partnering together.

Influencer 2 started with 0 subscribers, and we grew him from $0 revenue and 0 subscribers to over $2,513.42  revenue and 1k+ subscribers in month one! Whether you are just starting out or have an established fan base, Bored Bits is the agency for you.

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